Wednesday, February 22, 2017


You will recall that The Palms, Ota Mall was opened barely two months ago with pomp and pageantry but it appears that the owners and management of the mall known as Persianas Group are not ready for business.

How do you explain the seeming perpetual blackout that is currently experienced at the mall? Or are they just taking things for granted because it is located in Ota Ogun state?

The only time the mall and its expansive compound is lit is when the area is supplied with power from whichever ‘DisCo’ that covers the area.

We have observed, many residents around the area and shoppers alike have equally complained about this ugly trend that has continued since the early part of January till date. A shopper simply identified as Lekan said his own experience was when he wanted to use the restroom in the Mall and was told he could not because there was no water due to light issue.

Is it that Persianas group (owners of the mall) did not make adequate alternative power supply arrangement to serve the mall or that they cannot be bothered, after all it is Ota?

Do they not understand the security threat that this regular black out poses to the facility, workers within the facility, shoppers, passers-by and even their neighbours especially at night?

Apart from the security threat and possible danger, this is not good for their image in any sense. Would they have left any of the other Malls in every other eyebrow areas in a blackout?

This in my opinion might be a major reason why most of the stores in the mall has remained locked; I do not see business owners and vendors coming to take up such expensive space in the mall if the management cannot guarantee something as basic as power supply even if it is just to light up the various security lights in and around the mall.

Something urgent needs to be done.

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